Discover the Benefits of Giving Wisely


    A gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
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    Donor 1

    We thank all our planned-gift donors for their generous support. Here are some of their stories.
    Meet Our Donors

    Did you know there are creative ways to support Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation? Ways in which Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?

    Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts," because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation.

    Many appealing ways of giving are available to you. For example:

    Picture1Name Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation in Your Will

    Make us part of your family. A gift through your will or estate is the easiest gift you can make today. Learn More About Gifts From Your Will.

    Picture2Put Your IRA to Work for Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation

    Avoid income tax and potential estate tax on your retirement plan assets. It's a simple, straightforward way for donors of all ages to avoid double taxation and make a difference at Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation. Learn More About Gifts From Your IRA.

    Picture3Support Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation in Creative Ways